Wednesday, July 4, 2012

T minus 3 days...

... to the Bar Mitzvah.

The boy knows his parshah and haftorah, and has written his dvar torah, thank Gd.

The Birchon/Birkon is complete, and at the printer. We've already found five errors, but it's too late now.

The name of said Birchon/Birkon is זמורתא תהא; like it?

The plans for Friday airport pickups are more-or-less set, until the inevitable delays throw everything off.

Hosting is all set; people here have been wonderfully generous with their homes, I'm glad to say.

My suit is home from the shaatnez-checker at last, all clean.

I have moved the dozens of sefarim which reside on various pieces of furniture [because they are too restless for our ubiquitous bookcases, apparently] to an undisclosed location to ride out the storm.

The esteemed Rebbetzin is juggling the table assignments for meals.

I've been having a hard time with liquor selection for the kiddush. I'm against the whole idea of a shul drinking culture in the first place, but the point of a kiddush is to celebrate with the community, and this is the community's practice, so I'm going with it. But I really dislike the whole drinking culture. We're also putting out a lot of grape juice.

I'm thrilled that we have quite a few friends from our Allentown and Rhode Island communities coming in; for this alone, any tircha is worthwhile.

T minus 3 days...


  1. Enjoy. B'ezrat hashem you'll blink your eyes and you will be sitting with your grandchildren (in Yerushalayim we pray) telling them about their father's bar mitzvah.
    Joel Rich

  2. Mazal tov!

    Don't forget you owe us a PDF!

    RJR, seriously. I'm having a hard time believing I'm up to planning my kid's wedding. Wasn't her bat mitzvah just a year or two back?

    May you and the Rebbetzin continue to shepp nachas from your children.

  4. Mazal tov! May you and your family be zocheh to many, many more smachot throughout the years. And relax Rabbi T--in a couple of months from now all you'll remember is how you kvelled at how well your son did--the other details of how you got to that will have faded away, thankfully.

    1. ProfK: That's why "shlepping nachas" is more accurate for a parent. "Shepping nachas" is what grandparents do. <grin>

    2. Indeed. I've been the counselor so many times, this is my first (of this bring of simchah) as a celebrant!

  5. Mazel tov! Sending you lots of wishes for only minor airport delays and upsets to the schedule- and really hoping that it all goes well.

  6. Mazel Tov! Wish I could be there...

  7. How exciting! Seeing your son stand up there on the bima, wrapped in a tallis, chanting his parsha, is the most wonderful and exhilarating moment! Mazal Tov and best wishes for a successful and joyous Bar Mitzvah!

  8. I floated through the entire weekend of our daughter's bat mitzvah. A true peak experience. Mazal tov to you and your family. Wishing you a joyous and memorable simcha!

    1. Thank you, bratschegirl, and it certainly was both joyous and memorable.
