Sunday, November 16, 2008

Making decisions

I rarely, if ever, publish a very brief post, but I just saw this line and it hit me the right way:

The speaker:
Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel, at the end of a Jerusalem Post interview on "How is Israel coping with the global financial crisis?"

The statement:
One of the great things I have learned about life is that you don't have to make decisions before you have to make them.

I am forever committing myself to paths of action before I need to do so. Big issues, small issues, program planning, political issues, it's a conscious effort to get myself to slow down, to wait and see.

Fischer's statement isn't so much something new, as it is a great way to put it. Thank you, Stanley; that one goes on my desktop.


  1. One of the great things I have learned about life is that you don't have to make decisions before you have to make them.

    I can appreciate this. Spent way too much energy worrying about what to do before I really needed to worry.

  2. Jack-
    Let alone the energy we waste defending bad decisions we made too early...
